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+GF+SIGNET 3-2724,3-2726系列pH电极

产品价格: 面议
  • 产品型号: 2724-2726, 2725
  • 品    牌: +GF+SIGNET
  • 生产厂商: 深圳市德隆泰科技有限公司
  • 所 在 地: 广东深圳
  • 浏览次数: 4909
+GF+SIGNET 3-2724,3-2726系列pH电极3-2725 ORP电极+GF+SIGNET 3-2724,3-2726系列pH传感器+GF+SIGNET PH/ORP计, PH/ORP传感器变送器2724-2726, 2725, 8750 pH测量系统的典型配置:pH传感器+前置放大器+pH变送器 ORP测量系统典型配置:ORP传感器+前置放大器+ORP变送器
+GF+SIGNET 3-2724,3-2726系列pH电极
+GF+SIGNET 3-2725系列ORP电极
+GF+SIGNET 3-2724,3-2726系列pH传感器

  +GF+SIGNET PH/ORP计, PH/ORP传感器变送器2724-2726, 2725, 8750 pH测量系统的典型配置:pH传感器+前置放大器+pH变送器 ORP测量系统典型配置:ORP传感器+前置放大器+ORP变送器

     8750pH/ORP传感器与上述pH/ORP传感器适配,其特点为:2×16 LCD显示,耐腐蚀外壳,具有自动温度补偿功能,能显示℃和℉等多种模式,允许温度和pH信号双路输出。 3-8750-X (Field) 现场安装3-8750-XP (Panel) 仪表盘安装

    2724、2726系列pH传感器-NEW 双结复合电极(参比电极为Ag/AgCl),内温度传感器,自动温度补偿,螺纹设计方便安装。

3-2726-LC 低电导率液体, min. 20us/cm
3-2726-HF 氢氟酸防腐玻璃, PH值6或以下, 微量HF<2%

测量范围:PH: 0~14 , ORP: ±2000mV
效率:>97% @25℃
压力、温度范围:2724, 2725, 2726: -10~85℃ 6.89bar@-10℃ to 65℃ 4bar@85℃
2726-LC : -10~80℃ 6.89bar@-10℃ to 65℃ 4bar@85℃
2726-HF : 10~80℃ 6.89bar@10℃ to 65℃ 4bar@80℃
管径范围: 1~4 in. 三通。
技 术 数 据
工作范围:PH:0-14 光隔离
ORP:-2000—2000mV 光隔离
电源设备:12-24V,AC或DC,可调节的 50-60HZ,10W max
电流输出:4-20mA 无隔离,有源的,内供电电源
回路抗阻:350Ω max @ 12V 950Ω max @ 24V
电缆类型: 两芯双绞线屏蔽电缆(22 AWG).
标准论证: CE UL 制造符合ISO9001:2000质量 ISO14001:2004环境管理标准 


2724-2726 pH-ORP Electrodes

The Signet 2724-2726 pH and ORP Electrodes features a patented reference electrode design and uses the unique foul-proof patented DryLoc® connector. The large area PE reference junction and pathway is constructed to increase the total reference effectiveness and ensures long service life.

The DryLoc connector with corrosion resistant gold plated contacts readily connects the sensor to the mating 2760 preamplifier or the 2750 sensor electronics. The robust Ryton® threaded sensor body and choice of flat pH, bulb pH, or flat ORP sensing elements provides broad range of chemical compatibility for a wide variety of applications.

There are two optional sensing versions, HF and LC, available. The quick temperature response is available in either a PT1000 or 3 KΩ temperature sensor and allows compatibility with all Signet pH/ORP instruments. The 2724-2726 electrodes are general-purpose sensors ideal for a wide range of applications. The sensors incorporate ¾” NPT or ISO 7-1 R¾ threads for installing into standard pipe-tees. They can also be mounted directly into Signet standard fittings.

Fields of Application:

  • Water & Wastewater Treatment
  • Neutralisation Systems
  • Scrubber Control
  • Effluent Monitoring
  • Surface Finishing
  • Heavy Metal Removal and Recovery
  • Toxics Destruction
  • Sanitization Systems
  • Commercial Pools & Spas
  • Aquatic Animal Life Support Systems
  • Process Control


  • Designed for use with 2750 Sensor
  • Foul-proof connector
  • Gold-plated contacts
  • Self-cleaning flat versions reduce risk of glass breakage
  • Large reference volume and solid polymer electrolyte
  • HF option for pH
Downloads (选型手册下载)
Data Sheet - 2724-2726 pH/ORP Electrodes (pdf, 1.0 MB)
Manuals  (使用说明书下载)
English (pdf, 1.1 MB)

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