电话:O21-3952 9829/3O-8O1O
传真:O21-6O83 1959
手机:189 1857 2467
QQ:125 5O9 6653
高压- 1/4“-3 / 4” -
先导式电磁阀可在通常封闭施工。他们是一个坚固的活塞建设,建成承受高压力,黄铜和不锈钢机构提供AC或DC。高压水应用(可达1500 psi)的理想选择。
电磁铁通电,直接作用建设,核心直接打开一个常闭阀的孔口或关闭常开阀的孔口。从0 psi至其额定压力阀门的操作。
一般事务 - 空气/惰性气体,水,油中将(300 SSU),在温度适中的服务。
热水/蒸汽 - 高温流体的应用,如洗衣店,成型,**,高压**器,蒸汽雾化等
饮用水和食品服务 - NSF的饮用水系统和食品服务设备的使用而设计的上市阀门。
真空 - 专为低真空(29“汞柱),高真空(10-6托)的应用。
低温和液体二氧化碳 - 旨在控制低温液体-320华氏度(-196℃)和液态二氧化碳-75华氏度(-59℃)
气动 - 使用辅助压缩空气或水源转向阀,而不是电磁操作。
比例 - 使用电气输入信号来控制压力或流量输出。
本质安全 - 只为在适当的批准和大小的电压和电流的限制壁垒的本质安全区域中使用而设计。
低功耗 - 1.4 W功率,低功率线圈提供PLC和DCS总线网络和传统布线的兼容性,减少电池消耗,减少布线的成本,降低温升,节约能源。
隔离/屏蔽核心 - 恶劣和腐蚀性流体控制应用。
长寿命/安静 - 安静的操作,寿命长,可达20万次,在干燥的空气或气体应用。
氨 - 使用无水和气态氨的设计。
干燥的空气 - 空气润滑油在应用程序需要使用设计。
磁保持 - 连续供电设备无法使用,如灌溉系统,远程应用程序的理想选择。
医疗/分析 - ASCO微型一般服务,隔离,捏,比例阀是利用在医疗设备和分析仪器的液体和气体的**和可靠的控制。
ASCO 2-Way Solenoid Valves
ASCO's 2-Way solenoid valves have one inlet and one outlet, and are used to permit and shut off fluid flow. The two types of operations are Normally Closed (NC) and Normally Open (NO). Two types of constructions apply to 2-way solenoid valves, which are direct acting and internally piloted.
With Direct acting constructions, the solenoid is energized, the core directly opens the orifice of a Normally Closed valve or closes the orifice in a Normally Open Valve. The valve will operate at pressures from 0 psi to its rated maximum.
Internally piloted constructions use line pressure to assist operation. When the coil is de-energized (on a Normally Closed Valve), the pilot orifice is closed and line pressure is applied to the top of the piston or diaphragm through the bleed orifice, closing the valve.
Learn more about ASCO's 2-way solenoid valves.
ASCO's line of 2-way solenoid valves include General Service, Hot Water/ Steam, Potable Water and Food Service, Vacuum, Cryogenic and Liquid C02, Air Operated, Proportional, Intrinsically Safe, Low Power, Isolation/ Shielded Core, Long Life / Quiet, Ammonia, Dry Air, Magnetic Latching and Medical/ Analytical. Select a product below to learn more.
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