电话:O21-3952 9829/3O-8O1O
传真:O21-6O83 1959
手机:189 1857 2467
QQ:125 5O9 6653
3线直流, 10…30 VDC
M12 x 1接插件
磁感应传感器用于检测气缸位置。 基于磁场能够穿透非铁磁性金属的特性,传感器能够检测铝制气缸内附于活塞上的永磁体的位置。 基于特殊的原理,传感器能够可靠地检测所有标准气缸内不同磁场强度的永磁体。 采用完全非接触的工作方式并且有短路保护功能。
The portfolio comprises inductive, magnetic-inductive, capacitive, photoelectric, ultrasonic, pressure, temperature and flow sensors.
Novel close-up range suppression
Capacitive sensors react to all materials
with a permittivity greater than 1. This
may lead to interferences during operation
in the event of wetting, condensation
or icing on the sensor surface. Residue
and humidity may also lead to detection
failures. In order to rule out this eff ect, a
signal is produced with an electrode close
to the sensor surface, antagonizing the
main signal. A zone is thus created near
the electrode in which dirt and humidity
are not detected by the sensor. Based on
the novel technology, the close-up range
suppression of TURCK sensors works also
with conductive clingage.
Wear-free detection of conducting and non-conducting materials.
Capacitive proximity sensors are designed
for contactless and wear-free
detection of electrically conducting
and non-conducting objects. These allrounders
are thus suited for many applications.
In addition to distance and
position, capacitive sensors measure defl
ection, thickness, eccentricity, concentricity,
deformation, wear, vibration and
above all fi lling levels of liquid and solid
All-round protection against interferences
Capacitive sensors work reliably and
safe, even under rough environmental
conditions. Special protective measures
ensure failsafe operation of the sensors in
ambients subject to high electromagnetic
interference. The sensors are also ESD
immune. Automatic wetting compensation
eliminates moreover interferences
caused by wetting and condensation
Rectangular design, high-performance technology within the smallest space
The rectangular devices off er high-quality
components and high functionality in
a rugged housing. These sensors moreover
convince through easy and convenient
mounting. The prescribed free
zones are considerably smaller, lowering
the construction eff ort while enhancing
the system availability. You save time and
Cylindrical design, metal or plastic version
Whether metal or plastic housing, the
product range of standard cylindrical
sensors is large, off ering devices with
diameters between 12 mm and 40 mm.
The fl ush mountable sensors generate an
almost linear detection fi eld.
Besides the usual reliability, capacitive
TURCK sensors feature standard functions
such as automatic wetting compensation,
excellent EMC and ESD properties
and they are fl exibly mounted.
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