电话:O21-3952 9829/3O-8O1O
传真:O21-6O83 1959
手机:189 1857 2467
Q:125 5O9 6653
高流动性,平衡提动 - 1/4“
General Service – Air/Inert Gas, Water, Lt. Oil (up to 300 SSU) service at moderate temperatures.
Steam – Designed for high flow, high pressure service. Ideal for power plants and similar applications.
Potable Water and Food Service – NSF listed valves designed for use in drinking water systems and food service equipment.
Air Operated – Uses auxiliary compressed air or water source to shift valve, rather than a solenoid operator.
Intrinsically Safe and Non-Incendive Field Wiring –For use only in intrinsically safe and Non-Incendive Field Wiring areas. Designed for properly sized and approved areas with current and voltage limiting barriers.
Low Power – 0.55 W and 1.4 W low wattage coil to provide PLC and DCS compatibility for BUS network and traditional wiring, reduced battery drain, reduced wiring cost, reduced temperature rise, energy savings.
Long Life / Dry Air – Designed for quiet operation and long life, up to 20 million cycles, in dry air or gas applications.
Dribble Control – 3–way valve are used for piloting NAMUR actuators. The dribble control valve pulses air in and out of the actuator to slowly position the process valve and hold it in place when desired.
Medical/Analytical - ASCO Miniature general service, isolation, pinch, and proportional valves are utilized for the precise and reliable control of liquids and gases in medical equipment and analytical instrumentation.
Functional Safety Solutions – ASCO offers 3 solenoid pilot valve solutions that are widely used in the process control industry; individual 3-way pilot valves, manual reset valves, and redundant pilot valve systems. Each of these solutions are proven in use as a pilot valve in critical applications and in safety instrumented systems. Certified pilot valves per IEC 61508 Parts 1 and 2 are rated SIL 3 capable for domestic and international markets (ATEX).
Harsh Environment - 3-way valves with 055 W or 1.30 W low wattage coil, designed for harsh, hazardous environments, including control panels in offshore applications such as oil platforms. Available on high flow and quick exhaust constructions. UL, CSA, ATEX, and IECEX approvals on all constructions. SIL 3 capable per IEC 61508.
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