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产品型号: EEA-PAM513A32-EN53
产品展商: 威格士VICKERS
产品文档: 无相关文档


供应美国进口威格士叶片马达,VICKERS马达技术服务 An economical, efficient and compact means of applying variable speed, rotary hydraulic power, these motors have variable horsepower (constant torque) characteristics. They can be stalled 供应美国进口威格士叶片马达,VICKERS马达技术服务

供应美国进口威格士叶片马达,VICKERS马达技术服务  的详细介绍

Minimum speed can vary between 50
and 100 r/min , depending upon
motor size and characteristics of thedriven load.
An economical, efficient and compact
means of applying variable speed,
rotary hydraulic power, these motors
have variable horsepower (constant
torque) characteristics. They can be stalled
under load without damage when
protected by a relief valve.
Indirect Drive Capability
Rugged two-bearing construction
permits motors to be used in direct or
indirect drive installations. Indirect drive
applications require approval by Vickers
Engineering Department.
These high speed, high pressure
motors offer a choice of 12 torque
ratings from 4,7 to 33,9 Nm/6,9 bar (42
to 300 lb. in./100 psi); speeds from 400
to 3600 r/min continuous and 4000
r/min intermittent; pressures to 155 bar
These motors offer a combination of
low cost, pressures to 138 bar (2000
psi), speeds to 2800 r/min, torques of
2.0, 2.8 or 4.0 Nm/6.9 bar (18, 25 or 35
Minimum speed is normally 100 r/min.
Lower speeds are obtainable,
depending upon torque requirements
and the nature of the load.
Replaceable Cartridge
Rotary motion is developed within the
drive cartridge which consists principally
of a cam ring, rotor, ten vanes, and two
pressure plates. the cartridge is bolted
together so parts can be serviced
separately or as an assembly.
Replaceable cartridges permit motor
overhauls in just 10 minutes. A cartridge
can be replaced without removing the
unit from the machine, and usually
without disconnecting hydraulic lines.
25M - 50M motors are suited to
series applications. Inlet and outlet ports
b. in./100 psi), flange or foot mounting,
and choice of port locations.
M2U motors operate in one direction
only, and rotation must be specified
when ordering. Shaft rotation of
M2-200 motors can be reversed simply
by reversing the direction of flow
through the motor ports.
The motor’s cover can be assembled
in four positions with respect to the
body. Changing port positions is
accomplished by simply rotating the
cover, and the cartridge which is pinned
to the cover, in 90 increments, thus
providing the optimum mounting forconnecting piping.
Two internal inlet chambers are
diametrically opposed as are two outlet
chambers. This construction eliminates
bearing loads resulting from pressure, a
major cause of wear in designs without
this feature.
Installation Flexibility
The motor’s cover can be assembled
in different positions with respect to
the body. To change the relative
location of the ports, it is necessary only
to remove four cover bolts and rotate
the cover to the desired position.
This allows optimum positioning to suit
connecting piping.
High Efficiency
Optimum running clearances and
hydraulic balance assure sustained
high efficiency over the life of the motor.
Inertia of rotating parts is low ... parts
are symmetrical, providing dynamic
balance and freedom from vibration.
A unique dual pressure plate design
results in low internal leakage and
overall operating efficiencies up to
90%. Efficiency varies with motor size,
pressure, speed, and fluid viscosityand temperature.
2250 psi) continuous and 172 bar
(2500 psi) intermittent; reversible shaft
rotation; flange or foot mounting.
Shaft rotation can be reversed simply by
reversing the direction of flow through
the motor ports. When properly
protected by valves, the motor may be
used for rapid cycle reversing or stalled  without damage.
can be pressurized simultaneously
without affecting service life or  operating smoothness.


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