ASCO的电磁阀有很多种结构可供选择,能满足任何实际操作的需要。我们提供的电磁阀有二通连接,三通连接,四通和五通连接,更有多种管接尺寸,范围从1/4″到3″。二通阀有常闭或常开两种型式。在常闭型阀中,当线圈不通电时,主孔被关闭。在常开的阀中,当线圈不通电时,主孔是打开的。四通阀通常被用来控制双作用汽缸。这种汽缸是双向作用制动的,而不同于靠弹簧复位的单作用汽缸。四通阀可同时装有两个线圈,万一掉电时能防止阀复位。-所有型号的阀都有多种阀体材料供选择;包括黄铜,铝,不锈钢和青铜等,根据所控制的流体的性质和所需的压力等级来选择。密封材料也能够从标准的丁腈橡胶到很多种其它类型,比如,氯丁(二烯)橡胶,氟橡胶, 乙丙烯橡胶等。压力等级的范围可以从高真空达到100bar或更多。
The piston cartridge pulse valves are especially designed for dust collector
service applications, combining high fl ow, long life and extremely fast opening
and closing to produce reliable and economical operation
The angle bodies and special piston cartridge result in unique operating features
required for dust collector service applications
Sequential controller for pilot solenoid valves
Pilot boxes containing 2 to 12 pilot solenoid valves
Pilot solenoid valves can be equipped
with explosionproof solenoids for hazardous locations according to 揂TEX?and
The valves can be mounted in any position without affecting operation
Threaded pipe connection is: G = G (ISO 228/1) or compression fi ttings
When connecting piping or tubing to the G1/8 connection in the valve bonnet, the remote ASCO pilot valve should be
mounted as close as possible to the main pulse valve. Connection tubing lengths of 3 meter or less have little effect on
the pulse response. Installations with over 3 meter of tubing must be tested under actual operating conditions. Tubing with
?6 mm O.D. is recommended for all installations
For compression fi tting types tightness is achieved by the compressed gasket on the blow tube
Other pipe threads are available on request
Installation/maintenance instructions are included with each valve
Spare parts kit and replacement coils are available
The high quality polyacetal (POM) piston cartridge guarantees a long operating
life and a large temperature range
The design with Quick Mount connections eliminates the time consuming thread
cutting and sealing resulting in maximum fl exibility while the valve will be
Valves can be supplied according to ATEX Directive 94/9/EC for non-electrical
equipment by using suffi x GD
The components satisfy all relevant EC directives
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