

进口球阀问世于20世纪50年代,随着科学技术的飞速发展,生产工艺及产品结构的不断改进,在短短的40年时间里,已迅速发展成为一种主要的阀类。在西方工业发达的国家,球阀的使用正在逐年不断的上升,在我国,球阀被广泛的应用在石油炼制、长输管线、化工、造纸、制药、水利、电力、市政、钢铁等行业,在国民经济中占有举足轻重的地位。球阀是由旋塞阀演变而来。它具有相同的旋转90度提动作,不同的是旋塞体是球体,有圆形通孔或通道通过其轴线。球面和通道口的比例应该是这样的,即当球旋转90度时,在进、出口处应全部呈现球面,从而截断流动。主要的球阀细分有: 进口高压球阀进口美标球阀进口日标球阀进口保温球阀进口三通球阀进口电动球阀进口气动球阀进口不锈钢球阀进口螺纹球阀进口全焊接球阀进口两片式球阀进口三片式球阀进口涡轮全焊接球阀进口高压小型球阀进口高压焊接球阀
Ball valves start another technology climax The ball valve introduced in the 1950s, with the rapid development of science and technology, production processes and product mix of continuous improvement in a short span of 40 years, has quickly developed into a main valve. In Western industrialized countries, the use of the ball valve is year by year continually rising in China, the ball has been widely used in petroleum refining, the long pipeline, chemical, paper, pharmaceutical, water, electricity, municipal, iron and steel industry occupies a pivotal position in the national economy. The ball valve is evolved from the stopcock. It has the same action, rotate 90 degrees to mention is the cock body is a sphere, a circular through-hole or channel through its axis. Sphere and the ratio should be such, that is when the ball spins 90 degrees, into the exit should be fully rendered sphere, thus cutting off the flow.

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